Monday, April 27, 2015

Power and Vulnerability

So I just got to the part where Edward and Bella are in the car discussing his vampirism and I had an idea.

Let us flashback to Charlotte Temple and our class discussions about being a woman in the Victorian era.  Women were seen as vulnerable and weak, and Charlotte Temple was the epitome of that image.  She couldn't control her actions very well and was mostly an actor in everyone else's decisions, including her "lover," her friends, and her family.  Except for one thing--she had the power to completely destroy her family's reputation.  Her personhood was deemed vulnerable, but her actions made her powerful insomuch as she could effect the livelihoods of the people associated with her.

Flashforward again to Twilight and we see the same sort of power relationship going on.  Bella is practically the definition of clumsy, and trouble always seems to find her.  She sucks at sports and she pretty much forgets how to people every time she talks to Edward.  On the other hand, Edward is strong--unhumanly strong--and has the power to make everyone around him swoon (on top of being able to read minds).  However, Bella has the power to completely destroy HIS family's reputation.  If he messes up because of her, really bad things could go down.  If she talks when she shouldn't, the family secret could get out and they would have all sorts of problems to deal with (which we learn about in the following books).  Bella is powerful because of her relationship to Edward and his family and the desire he has for her romantically as well as the fact that she apparently smells delicious.  Edward is weak because, if he can't control his desires, the consequences for both of them would be dire.  Anyways, I think I've made my point.  Any thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. Emily, I think it's very interesting how you compared Bella to Charlotte Temple. Another aspect that I think could be similar is about the willingness to be with their significant others. When Charlotte was about to refuse her lover, she was kidnapped and forced to run away with him. From there, she went through a crazy whirlwind of emotions of wanting to go home but realizing that she needs to stay with him. I think that in a way, after Bella finds out about Edward and his family, this being sworn to secrecy resembles Charlotte's kidnapping in a sense. Bella can't just go back to the way things used to be and ignore what Edward truly is. The only reason why Bella is so compliant is because she thinks she loves him. But Charlotte once thought she loved Montraville. And, like you said, Edward has the ability to make everyone swoon. So is this really love or just passionate infatuation? Charlotte lost feelings for montraville the minute he did an un-gentleman-like deed. Perhaps if Bella was exposed to some horrendous action, then she'd feel different about Edward.
