I’m honestly surprised at the amount of
people here that were dissatisfied with the Voices of Discovery program. I can’t
speak for anyone else of course, but for me, everything went pretty much as I
expected. I’m not sure how many people have ever attended group therapy, but
for me, that’s what the whole thing felt like to me. It was a lot of making
sure everybody was comfortable in the so-called sharing space, talking about
things that were controversial but being extremely careful not to step on any
toes. And maybe it was because of the group I was in (Microaggressions), but I
always felt like the program was always making sure that the first priority was
not making anyone uncomfortable. And while for me personally that was something
I didn’t like, I think it was something that was very important. With some of
the more contentious topics, measures like these would certainly be necessary
for the program to run efficiently.
biggest complaint with the program was the lack of diversity. Everyone in our
group had similar backgrounds and therefore it was rarely that we ever really
disagreed on anything. Everything was from one, over-arching viewpoint. We
talked about how microaggressions were harmful, especially to people of color
and different ethnic groups, but no one in our group belonged to the groups we
were talking about. We were approaching the subject from a dominant culture,
and that really killed the immersion.
that issue is really only due to the subject matter I chose, and not because of
any real fault with the program I think. Overall, I think the program was all
about what you made of it, and how the people in your group steer the
discussion. Increase the diversity and take a little more risks, and I think
that would improve the program greatly.
I was in the same group, and more than once I left talking to someone about how we would always approach issues about race as people who have never experienced negative racial profiling. I honestly think our group just needed diversity, because I know that I left the session telling one of the other girls that our discussion lasted incredibly long about an issue that we all know is an issue and a serious one, but we cannot fully understand how hurtful and demeaning that type of micro-aggression affects people because we have no frame of reference.