Since I brought up the Buffy comparison earlier, I decided to look through some commonalities between the two and see what Buffy fans thought of Twilight.
The comparison between Oz and Jacob was hilarious. First of all, I find Seth Green funny and a little funny a cute goofy way. But in Buffy, Oz is this tiny indie/rock boy with bright red hair who can also eat your face off if not caged up. Jacob, on the other hand, is tall, dark and disgustingly beautiful. Jacob is ripped and often shown shirtless protecting the girl he is in love with (not shirtless in the books obviously). Yet some how they are both set up to be objects of desire? In fact! Oz gets two girls and Jacob doesn't get any! ...Well until he strangely imprints on Bella's daughter and that somehow explains the years of infatuation prior...but anyway I really enjoyed this comparison.
So, don't freak out, but I've never seen Buffy. Quick question, is Oz a vampire? You mentioned eating your face.. I like how you talk about the comparison between two desirable men. But I'm curious, how do both the movies represent vampires? I'm assuming that Buffy doesn't display vampires as sparkling gorgeous men. In Buffy, are the vampires the "bad guys." Nowadays when I think about vampires, I generally associate them as the "good guys." Even in shows like the Originals, the vampires are, at least the main characters, good guys. Do you think that this spiraling of positive association with what was historically a villain due to the popularity of Twilight?
ReplyDeleteI took the Politics of the Vampire Genre seminar, so I now consider myself fairly well versed in Buffy. Oz is actually a werewolf in the show, which is why he can be compared more to Jacob. However, he dated Willow, Buffy's sidekick, so the context of the characters is different.
DeleteFor the most part vampires are bad, which is why she slays them. But there are good vampires like Angel, who gets his own spin off. Since it appeared first and I like it more, I think Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel laid the groundwork for the positive vampires that are so prevalent today in shows like The Vampire Diaries and True Blood.
I never thought that class would come in handy!